четверг, 19 декабря 2013 г.

The concept of newspaper media of the 21st century

WHO LAYS THE GOLDEN EGGS?  (The concept of print newspaper media of the 21st century)
I suggest to all of you for the discussion, for reflection and for strengthening your own position in the business of my thesis project for the restructuring of the print media on the concept of the 21st century.
1. Print media in the 21st century are a new concept that is different from the concept of the 20th century.                                                                                                                                                                                   2 . The concept of print media of the 21st century is diametrically opposed to the concept of the print media of the 20th century.                                                                                                                                                  3 . Print media of the 21st century are at least a dozen of advantages over the internet .                                    4 . Business print media of the 21st century is the gold business .                                                                               5 . Business print media of the 21st century is the " ostrich ", which lays only the golden egg.                            6. The concept of the print media of the 21st century after its introduction (with the help of my project) multiplies the demand for print media several times.
There is interest in implementing this project, dear Sirs, owners and publishers of printed media and investors?
Dear ladies and gentlemen!  Dear  owners and publishers of printed media and investors!
 I am sending you this letter to inform you about the trends in the print media.    Perhaps theses of this letter will affect your views on the business, its direction of motion.  Could be.  Maybe there will be new ways and mechanisms for the implementation of your projects. I'll be very happy. Perhaps you will give me advice or tell the letter to its partners. Over all, I thank you and wish you happiness. Happiness for me is a fun heart. I wish you great happiness.  This letter is about the future of print media, the concept of the print media of the 21st century.  Today's time clamoring to fundamentally change the role of print media in the world. Otherwise, they will go bankrupt. This process has already begun in the print media.  To avoid this, many print media (even very large) go to work in the internet, but it has a very big mistake. Print media are losing their face completely. Because, online media and print media, it is very different areas of information.  Superficially similar, but different inside.  Now is the time to convert the print media on their internal content, to make the business of print media is much more efficient, much more successful. It's time to expand the areas of business print media.  Time calls us to hurry up. Because inactivity is killing the business. Time owned business. Time creates a business. Time is killing business. Time is a lively business category. Business print media has a fundamental, unsinkable advantage. This business is not affected by any economic crisis or natural disasters. On the contrary, all these factors have a positive impact on the business of print media. Business Print Media is the gold business today!  Do not believe those who explains all of their losses in the business of print media, the advent of the Internet. The internet is progress. The Internet is not a hindrance print media. Progress does not hinder progress. The Internet is in itself. He lives by its own laws.      Print media does not have to "learn" the internet. It's foreign territory for the print media. Be printed media on the web - is absurd. This is not a judgment of wisdom. This is a movement from one extreme to another. There is no vision. There is no wisdom. Print media need and have their own solutions. They now require a transition to a higher and qualitatively new level. Nature of business - always moving forward. Today is the era of change of the concept of print media. This phase of the new content and new flows of information in print media. Today, it makes no sense to wait and think twice or thrice. Today we need to actively introduce new technologies. Time goes by. Loss of time - Loss of finance and business print media. Now is the best time to act!  Go its separate way. What is the point of going through a strange way? Internet - a new way, not for print media created. What is the purpose of going on a road that has no value for you? What is the cost of such a road? Today is the time to get away from this road. The main thing - to focus in the right direction in his direction.       Any "financial spells and medicines", and promotional gifts through online print media will not help. Waste of financial resources, intelligence, energy and time. Today, the whole business of print media to yesterday's thinking is moving in the cemetery of history. Trying to hide the newspapers, magazines and on the internet? This is the greatest intellectual error, if not more - professional blindness.  Newspapers in the next 25-30 years, have numerous advantages over the internet before . At least a dozen advantages. Internet is full of information, but the Internet is not the print media . The Internet is in itself. Do not try to climb to the territory of the internet with the problems of print media. Internet does not want and will not understand you. Internet has no problems of print media . There are other laws , other content , and other tools . Other territory . Business internet technology are completely opposite business technology print media. The main thing that connects them , there is the word " information". Now the main thing is - how to get rid of the stereotypes of the past and move on to a new platform, a new concept of operation of the business of print media. What is transition? What will change? In what order? What resources and mechanisms required to activate? What are the principles? What are the priorities? What are the technologies of all these mechanisms? All this and much more I have in my project to restructure the print media on the concept of the 21 th century, to multiply the demand for print media several times. As a minimum. It requires wisdom , faith and trust. A similar letter is addressed throughout the year to various print media. There was no response . Why is this so? What is it? What complexes in the mind ? Disbelief ? They are afraid of risk? Distrust ? Consider it a very risky business ? What's the risk? Lose your finances ? So today , many large companies print media spend huge amounts of money on advertising to attract subscribers. And it's all to no avail. How absurd to interest readers gifts ! This " love" unreliable , misleading . We must believe that the business of print media is the gold business . And without any gifts. Print media is the " ostrich ", which daily lays only the golden egg.  Please help me understand this, if you do not complicate, if for you it's not a problem. In any case, thank you very, very much for what you've read this letter. Perhaps this letter will direct you to any interesting ideas for you in your work. I will be very happy even for that, I could send you to new ideas in your business. I wish you good health and new algorithms to work. A very big thank you to all of you for your attention. With best regards and God's blessings to all of you ,Aleksandr Solodilov.  (Linkedin, Aleksandr Solodilov)

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